Briss – Full Version 2023 Free


Briss is a tool capable of dividing PDF files. Define the area by means of a rectangle and modify its size to view them on your eBook thanks to Briss

Cut PDF documents to view them on your eBook

Viewing PDF documents on your eBook will be a lot easier thanks to Briss. This free application, developed in Java, allows the possibility to cut out images from PDF documents and thus make a lot more comfortable to read and accessible when using an electronic book.

Crop your PDF files

Thanks to its simple interface you will be able to modify the size of the documents. Specify the area of the document that contains the information with the box that it includes. Once this is done, Briss will take care of cutting the rest of the document avoiding visualization problems on devices like Kindle.

Accounts with various options, like the possibility to capture various elements from a single page that will be organized on different pages, capacity to crop PDF documents into two pages or to complete different cutting procedures depending on the fact if the page is odd or even.

Do you have problems to view and read PDF documents on your eBook? With Briss you will be able to cut PDF documents for electronic books by means of a simple and quick procedure. You can download Briss free and check the results.